How Do Credit Unions Offer a Better Approach to Banking?
Our Focus is on You
At the credit union, our members are our top priority. When it comes to banking and managing your money, we are focused on you and your financial well-being. That means you can always expect sound advice from our financial experts, with no obligations and no strings.
Tailored Products & Services
We take the time to really understand your goals, dreams and priorities, and we work hard to tailor our products and services to meet your needs, rather than fitting you into a one-size-fits-all product.
Membership Makes You an Owner
Credit unions are not owned by outside shareholders, we’re owned by our members. Everyone who banks with the credit union automatically becomes a member and thus an owner of their credit union.
Your Bottom Line is Our Bottom Line
Our focus is solely on your best interest, because your financial success equals our financial success. It’s a focused approach based on your bottom line, not ours.
A Real Voice
All our members are invited to attend annual meetings and exercise their voice to help steer how decisions are made. You can elect our board of directors, voice your concerns, and vote on real issues that matter to you.
Strength in Numbers
We benefit from the support and expertise of the nation’s largest network of financial institutions, with credit unions servicing over 5 million Canadians nationwide.
Credit unions, like other financial institutions, are closely regulated meaning your deposits are secure. Credit unions partner with the Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation (CUDIC) and Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation (CUDGC). Both CUDIC and CUDGC protect depositors by providing an effective and efficient system of deposit insurance and loss prevention through the regulatory powers in the Credit Union Act.
Focused On Community
Credit unions are firmly rooted in their communities. In fact, every credit union’s board of directors consists of members from their community. That’s why we understand what’s important to our members and how we keep our decisions based on local realities. You see it in the products and services we develop and the way we give back to our communities. It’s a human approach, and another reason how we’re different.